Thursday, December 2, 2010


Did you find a  rock wearing a sweater on the beach?  Somewhere else? Did you keep it? What color was it?  Where did you find it?  Comment below to participate in the Project!  Thank you!


  1. We found the red one in Carlbad on Sunday Feb 13. My two daughters loved it! We are visiting from out of town and it was their first visit to a beach! Fun project!

  2. I found the pale green crochet pebble. Of course I picked it up and took it home.A gift from the ocean. Maybe someone on a cruise ship..
    I wonder if that was you sitting up in the sand cliffs? Fabulous day at the beach!

  3. Delora, that's Wonderful! We were *certain* that the red one was gone for good! Enjoy your stay, and thank you for posting!

    Bonnie, we were sitting just below the rocks and swath of pebbles... A fabulous day, indeed! Thank you so much for posting and letting us know!

  4. hey - it's Kerns. Haven't found any in Ohio. Sadness. Hoping one will find it's way to Ohio in the future. Love ya. =)

  5. hi julianna. this is mariah, stephanie's friend. i just picked this site from steph's blogroll because i was intrigued by the site's name. i absolutely LOVE this whole idea. the rocks are so cute and i know i would be SUPER excited to find one of these on the beach. if i found one my head would tell me to leave it for everyone else to find but deep down i'd want to take it home with me! :-)

    great project!

  6. Hi, Mariah! Thanks for stopping by! You know... sometimes the Pebble Fairy likes to leave presents for friends where whe KNOWS they will find them (like at Steph's House). Sometimes she even writes her friends name on the back, so that they HAVE to keep it!

    But she's gotta catch up with all her Etsy Shop Orders, first.. holy COW, there's some sort of Curious Pebble EXPLOSION going on over there! :)

  7. Oh...Julibee...FANTASTIC JOB!! This will be a wonderful blessing to Japan in this time of rebuilding, I can't wait to find a pebble on the beach!
    Also I would like to make a donation..

    Shari - bcg...

  8. Found a red peace pebble on Carlsbad beach on Saturday June 11th. I am from Ireland and I will leave it on a beach in Ireland when I get back home next week. Lets see how far this one can travel.

  9. Ross, that would be amazing! So glad you found it, and I never expected that anyone would continue on like this... What a nice gesture. Have a safe trip, and thanks for posting your find!

  10. Awesome website sincerely, Elsie Dworak

  11. I found the purple one, I saw it and grabbed it. Later on someone tried to steal it from me. I don;t remember If i brought it home or not.

  12. So cool! I, too, would love to find one in Ohio! :) What a fun project! Keep it going!

  13. I found a black one on Ponto, North of the jetty. It has a flower in the middle and is just beautiful! I was out with my family eating homemade pizza on the beach watching the sunset. I went with my Mom to go play frisbee. When I was running to go get the frisbee, (it went past me) I saw the pebble. I didn't know what it was so I asked my mom to come look at it. I couldn't tell what it was but I
    picked it up anyway. Then I realized what it was, a pebble wearing a sweater! Haha, well anyway thank you so much! I think this is an awesome project!
    ~Denali :) :o) :0) :D =)

  14. Yay, Denali! So glad you signed it in! Yes, I was there yesterday, and left two black, one white. Have been so busy today that I hadn't gotten around to photo-blogging it yet, but I will! Thanks SO MUCH for sharing, and I'm happy you found it! :)

  15. Down in Carlsbad for the weekend. My daughter Abby (11) loves rocks and found her curious pebble. Needless to say she was beyond excited! What a cute and creative idea!!!

  16. Leslye, I'm always especially happy when my pebbles are found by children! Thank Abby for me. :)

  17. Julianna, Abby took her pebble to school and her friends thought it was super cool.

  18. Hey! I found one of your crochet'd pebbles on the pier today. It is such a neat idea you have here, I love it. It was a nice surprise to see a cute little rock all cozy and lonely, it's got a good home now. Thanks! -Caralee

  19. Hi there!!
    I found the original blue one of your home page in Laguna beach just a few days ago before return back to Florence! (Italy)
    A really nice and curious idea and surprice!
    Now it's in good hands...I'll take care of it! ;-)
    Good luck for your project!

  20. Ah, Lorenzo! I'm so happy you logged it in, and absolutely thrilled that one of my pebbles is in Italy! My family is originally from Venti Miglia and Palermo... So nice to have one in my mother land! Grazie! :)

  21. Hi! I am feeling so inspired by your curious pebbles :) I am highly unlikely to find one of yours since I live in the UK, but I can't stop myself from making my own pretty pebbles... I have just linked to you on my own blog at and will be releasing one of my own pebbles into the wild tomorrow :)

  22. THANK YOU, jojasca! Good luck on your pebbling!

  23. It'd be kinda like the group blog idea, but with more of a "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" vibe. And who didn't love playing that? :)

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. that sounds co cool haven't found any yet sadness!

  26. My parents and I were walking along the beach (Sunset Beach) at sunset and we found number 21 while searching for scallops. What a beautiful surprise. We've had three auspicious events today ( a wedding, a grouping of live conchs, and the best - your pebble!). We might keep it, or who knows, we might deposit it somewhere on our next vacation to New Zealand. Thank you so much, it made our day.

  27. Yesterday's finder wasn't having any luck posting a comment, so he emailed this to me, instead. THANKS MIKE!

    (via email)
    I was searching for treasures on South Ponto Beach in Carlsbad this evening. I was using my metal detector looking for coins, jewelry, etc in the sand. When I stopped to take a drink of water, I leaned on a large rock and when I looked down, right there on the rock beside me was your "curious pebble" all snug and warm in its pretty sweater. This has to be my best "find" to date on South Ponto. Thank you Juliana for bringing this special treasure into my day. Now, I have to decide if I will keep it, or find some special spot to put it for someone else to discover on my travels. Maybe I mail it to a family member to put someplace to be found where they live….my brother in Sweden…a niece in Japan…a niece in The Checz Republic…a niece in Venezuela…a co-worker in Alaska, Florida, Washington, Maine??

    Thanks again.


  28. Hi Julianna !
    I loooove your project idea ♥
    If you don't mind, I'd like to try something similar here in France (I live in Normandie)...gotta try to master the pebble tatting technique (I don't crochet), and then give it a go !
    Tell me : are you ok with this ?
    Would you have some advice to give, or tutorials to indicate, for me to gt into it ?
    Anyway, I wish you a bright day !

    1. Please DO! I am very ok with this! I have made a few needle tatted pebbles, but didn't know how to shape it to the stones, so I ended up using a combination of tatting and crochet to close it off. This is a great tutorial and even if you don't crochet, you can see the technique and maybe it will give you some ideas. Good luck to you and have fun!

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. (and I would love to find such a pebble on the beach, someday... ^^)

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  36. Magia od wieków fascynuje ludzi i budzi w nich tajemnicze pragnienia. Jednym z najpopularniejszych rodzajów magii jest magia miłosna, która kieruje się ku potężnemu uczuciu jakim jest miłość. W ramach tego obszaru magii istnieje wiele praktyk i zaklęć, a jednym z nich są zaklęcia miłosne białej magii. W tym artykule dowiemy się, czym są te zaklęcia i jak można z nich skorzystać w duchu pozytywnej energii.

    Biała magia, w przeciwieństwie do czarnej magii, kładzie nacisk na dobro i harmonię. Jej celem jest pomaganie innym i wprowadzanie pozytywnych zmian w życiu. Zaklęcia miłosne białej magii są oparte na sile uczucia miłości i mają na celu przyciągnięcie, wzmocnienie lub utrzymanie miłości między dwiema osobami.

    Podstawą zaklęć miłosnych białej magii jest wiara w moc energii i wibracji. Praktykujący wierzą, że można wykorzystać tę moc do wpływania na rzeczywistość i przyciągania pozytywnych doświadczeń. Jednak ważne jest zrozumienie, że zaklęcia miłosne białej magii nie powinny być stosowane w celu manipulacji czy szkodzenia innym osobom. Ich intencją jest promowanie miłości, szacunku i dobra.

    Jednym z popularnych zaklęć miłosnych białej magii jest "Zaklęcie przyciągania". Polega ono na skupieniu się na energii miłości i wysłaniu jej w stronę osoby, którą pragniemy przyciągnąć. Zaklęcie to może być wykonane za pomocą skoncentrowanej medytacji, wizualizacji lub nawet pisemnej afirmacji. Kluczem jest wyobrażenie sobie silnego i pozytywnego związku, jaki chcielibyśmy stworzyć z tą osobą.

    Innym przykładem zaklęcia miłosnego jest "Zaklęcie wzmocnienia". Jeśli już mamy partnera, ale chcemy wzmocnić naszą więź, możemy skorzystać z tego rodzaju zaklęcia. Może ono polegać na wykonaniu rytuału z użyciem symboli miłości, takich jak serca, róża czy kryształy. Podczas tego rytuału możemy skupić się na naszych uczuciach, wysyłając pozytywną energię do naszego partnera i wizualizując naszą miłość jako silną i trwałą.


I LOVE and encourage commenting, and I read them all! If you have problems using this comment form, feel free to email me directly at curiouspebble[@] Due to issues with spam, please make sure you input WORD VERIFICATION, or your comment will not post. Thank you!