Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Morrocan Pouf Pillows (Semi) Tutorial

Moroccan Pouf Inspired Floor Pillows!

I ran into this Moroccan pouf pillow design on Pinterest (which were actually being sold for a LOT of $$$ on Plumo), immediately fell in love and decided that I had to have some. 

For a few days, I filtered through about a billion different design ideas on Google, and finally settled on this one, which came with an actual pattern to follow and some pretty great instructions

Side Note: Finding and using a pattern was actually a bit strange for me, as I tend to just muddle through things on my own, but I guess using a pattern once in a while won't kill me, huh?

Of course, I followed the pattern, but as I made some changes to the directions, I thought I share what I did with you... because these things are awesome.  And you should have a few.  Once cut, it only took half an hour or so to complete. 

Almost makes a window seat out of practically nothing...

But!  I should warn you.... I used nearly THREE giant, 50oz. bags of Poly-Fil to stuff three pillows.  They are LARGE.

I researched using other materials, specifically packing peanuts (couldn't find enough locally, and what was available is the biodegradable kind, which would squish down too much in a pillow) and old, recycled clothing, towels, etc (too heavy).  Neither was what I wanted.  SO.  Poly-Fil it was.

The good news is that I was forced to go to WalMart for something else (I *hate* WalMart for a multitude of reasons and generally avoid it all costs), and thought I'd check for Poly-fil in the incredibly down-sized crafts section.  Huh.  Whaddyaknow?  I ran into a really good deal. 

SO.  FYI, WalMart sells 50ox bags of Poly-Fil for under $9.00 each.  It cost more than twice that at my local fabric stores.  TWICE that. 

Geez.  Stupid WalMart.

I'm not going into major detail here, as it's already been done on the original link.  However, I DID do a few things differently, so I thought I'd share.  Read on.


Yesterday's Teaser... the fabric I chose from my
(Secret Garage Surprise) Dresser O' Fabric Samples.

SO.  Here's how to make Moroccan Floor Pouf Pillows:

Select your fabric and determine the sizing per the above links.  Cut out your pattern.  I used an ad from the Sunday Paper, natch'.


(Top Left and Right) I had to trim my fabric samples to a uniform size, first. Final size for each piece was 10" x 20" for this pouf.  If using store bought material, you'll need to do the same.

(Bottom Left) Trimming to the pattern

(Bottom Right) One piece trimmed, and still folded as per the instructions.

NOTE!  Here's the first time I differed from the pattern... knowing that sewing all those pointy ends together at the top and bottom (think "beach ball) was going to make me nutty, I actually trimmed the pointy bits off (by about 1/2") so that I didn't have to deal with the points.  This left a small, octagonal hole at both ends when complete, but I'll show you how I dealt with that in a bit...

(Top Left) All 8 pieces trimmed and ready for sewing.

(Top Right and Bottom Left) Start sewing, right sides together.

(Bottom Right) Continue until all 8 pieces are sewn together. 

Since I left a hole in the top and the bottom (from cutting OFF the points), I didn't leave a turning hole in any side.  I just used one of the open end "holes" to turn and stuff.  That way, I didn't have to hand-sew any of it.  I hate hand-sewing.  Did I already mention that?

(Top) Inside Out!  Turn it!  (Bottom) Right Side out!  Looks like a Beach Ball!

I also did not use Button as used in the original pattern... I made a "False" one instead by cutting out rounds (four total) and sewing them together like so: 

(Top Left) Cut four circles at once, using a a plate as a guide and fabric folded into four layers.  Easy-peasy.  You'll use two circles for the top and two circles for the bottom.

(Bottom Left) Sew two circles, Right Sides Together, leaving an opening to turn.  Repeat for the other set of circles.  Make little cuts around the each circle (from the edge of the fabric to the seam, being careful not to cut the stitching) so that once it's turned right side out, it will lie flatter than if you hadn't cut the notches.

(Top Right) One circle sewn together and turned, the other showing how I marked my turning opening with chalkmarks, and the notches I've cut.  (P.S. Always cut notches like this on a curve or a corner when sewing something that you will turn.  The notches allow the fabric to lie flat instead of bunching up.  You're welcome.)

(Middle Right) Tuck in the opening you left for turning and stitch the edges. I seamed about 1/4" from the edge.

(Bottom Right) Completed "False Buttons" for the top and bottom of the Pouf.

And if you are Four, and it's lunchtime.... Then it must be time for a PICNIC BREAK!  Hello, little kitty!  Don't drink momma's coffee!

Miss M enjoying her picnic in the living room while Momma takes oodles of photos of the ensuing cuteness.  Look'it that face!!!


Since I hatehatehate Hand Sewing, and there's NO WAY I'm going to get those circles sewn on there neatly by hand or by machine... I pull out the hot-glue gun.  Works.  Totally.

(Top Left) Place a folded sheet of wax paper between the layers so that you don't accidentally glue the top to the bottom!  Go around the circle with your glue gun, and press the Fake Button on.

(Top Right) Lift the edges of your circle, and glue it until it's completely secure, all the way around.  No empty spots.  None.  Glue it.  Glue it GOOD.

(Bottom Left) STUFF!  Go to the store and buy more Stuffing!  Stuff some more!

(Bottom Right) Glue the bottom Fake Button on as you did the top "Button", covering up the stuffing hole entirely.


OH!  Before I forget!  The top Pouf in the photo below only has SEVEN sections... It was an experiement.  I cut the pieces to the exact same size as the others, but with one less section, it's TALLER.


I suppose if I were a mathematical genius (or even sliughtly mathmatically inclined), I could have forseen that.  I didn't. 

But it's cool.  Variety is the spice of life.

NOW!  Make two more Poufs and Stack 'em Up!  Everything is better in Threes, you know...

They look pretty in this room, too....


Who's going to clean up this mess?


It's Me?




  1. very pretty! you know, there's a swedish company called "odd birds" which used to sell diy pillow (made by left over fabrics) kits a couple of years ago.
    their diy pillow kits doesn't feature this model anymore, but i have one kit (one of those projects that i have lying...) saved. perhaps i should get going with that one...

  2. What a brilliant post, thanks so much for sharing this with us.

  3. Thank you for this tutorial. I just inherited an awesome armchair from a neighbor. It's perfect for reading except I'm short and I need a little footrest. I think your tutorial is my winner. I might even hand sew it. I know, you hate hand stitching but working at my sewing machine in summer is way hotter than hand stitching while sitting near the ac.

  4. If the pillow is too large, the head could be held up to high and forced forward, or if the person is on their side the head would be bent at an uncomfortable angle. best pillow for sleeping india


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